The Pond Management Working Group is concerned with management of the two ponds on the common, the Duck Pond and the Bricklayers Pond. The main objective is: To improve both ponds so that they are attractive for wildlife, reasonably safe and in a condition that they can be maintained annually by volunteers from the village. The Duck Pond is to be accessible for people to sit and observe. Although ducks are detrimental to much aquatic wildlife, it is agreed that the Duck Pond is a feature of the Village and Ducks should be permitted. Access to the Bricklayers Pond is more difficult and it is to be managed for the benefit of wildlife.

For the most recent update report see below:

      Duck Pond
      Bricklayers Pond

Earlier Reports

      Original Plan
      Duck Pond Exit Dam Repair, June 2020
      2020 Work Specification
      GPM Ecology Report, May 2020 [This report contains serious errors.]
      Aquatic Life in the Duck Pond, February 2021
      What is a Pond?